ATI’s engineers are always on the edge of innovation and looking for
Proven Performers to continue and share that passion. Recently, ATI Specialty Materials hosted a senior design team from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSM&T) at their location in Monroe, NC. Visiting students had the opportunity to observe forging and rolling demonstrations, while learning about ATI’s Proven to Perform equipment, processes, and operations that enable acceleration in specialty alloy development and manufacturing. They also received an inside look into ATI’s processes to manufacture René 65, one of our specialty gamma prime strengthened alloys that we partnered with the SDSM&T Department to develop.
The South Dakota School of Mines and Technology has a reputation of producing top performing students and is one of the last remaining universities in the United States to offer a metallurgical program. We welcome the opportunity to inspire the next generation by showcasing ATI’s
Proven to Perform processes and materials.